How to bluetooth pictures
How to bluetooth pictures

how to bluetooth pictures

The solution I came up with cost me a total of about $40 and provided enough parts to refurbish 4 SoundDocks (so about $10 per SoundDock). I had to do a bit of research to solve a few problems along the way, and ended up designing and 3D printing a nice little housing, but it turned out very well and I've now added Bluetooth to all of the previously obsolete SoundDocks that I had accumulated. After a little research, I found that I could buy very cheap Bluetooth audio modules (4 for $10 on Amazon) that promised to provide good sound quality and included an on-board jack that can could also serve as an auxillary input (it's actually an audio-out jack rather than an aux-in, since it doesn't cut out the Bluetooth audio when a cable is plugged in, but it works fine as an aux-in in this configuration).

how to bluetooth pictures

I also wanted a bit more permanent solution than a little device that could fall out, break, or be misplaced, so I set out to permanently add Bluetooth connectivity to my SoundDocks. I tried to get these working again by buying several different Bluetooth audio adapters that simply plug into the dock connector, but the ones that I've tried either sound terrible (adding annoying clicking noises) or just don't work at all. I have a small collection old Bose Series I SoundDocks that provide great audio quality in a small package, but that we can't use because they all require a phone or iPod with a 30-pin connector. Adding Bluetooth to a SoundDock 10 is different, but I've covered how to do that in another instructable: Add Bluetooth to a SoundDock 10. This Instructible shows you how to add Bluetooth connectivity to a Bose Series I SoundDock.

How to bluetooth pictures